WASD - Basic movement

In a call back to one of our previous levels, the player finds themself at the beginning of the Rat King’s story as the Rat King himself. As the test subject of a lab experiment, the player must make their way through a maze. Inside the maze, and the initial cage, are areas where poisonous purple gas is sprayed to motivate the player to move towards the end where relative safety and cheese awaits. If the player looks around them, outside of the cages and the maze, they can glimpse the laboratory and its equipment. By creating a see-through, yet inescapable cage, the player sees what is inaccessible to them. Flashing lights and sound design encourage the player to move away from the harmful poisonous gas. The player’s constrained movement mimics the Rat King’s restrained autonomy. The only interesting the player can do is to move through the maze towards the other cage.